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  • June 07, 2024 5 min read

    One of the joys of pet parenthood is relative certainty. That your pet will know the precise time(s) of day food must be served and will alert you when that time is NOW. That your pet will be Very Pleased Indeed when you get home, and by contrast, will Simply Not Get why you need to go out without her. All of that said, just as uncertainty exists for humans, so it exists for pets! To that end, we consulted with astrologer to the stars, Mystic Mog, who read the charts for the upcoming month and this is what she found... 

    Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

    To all the gemini cats and dogs, happy birthday! As the sun, the giver of life to all, continues its annual outing to your constellation, all the signs point to a sunny and warm month with much to anticipate and enjoy. As well as the sun, the presence of Jupiter, symbolizing luck, Mercury, planet of the mind and communication, and Venus, the planet of relationships, are all hanging out in your yard for the next few weeks. What does this mean? Well, most likely that you should throw a party. Yup, that’s it, that's what it means. Happily, we have all the stuff you’ll need to make it a party for the ages, oh yes!

    Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

    Great news, Cancers, Mercury is moving through your house but NOT BACKWARDS. No retrograde for you, instead, this planet is honoring you by moving sideways, crab and lobster style - no we didn’t know lobsters can walk sideways either, until Mystic Mog revealed it in this very reading - and that’s all the evidence you need that this month is about being yourself. What do we mean? Well, chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', of course. Whatever has been on your mind, let it go. Been thinking of trying out a new hobby? Do it. Fancy treating yourself? Be our guest. Footloose, fancy free, just being the best crab you can be. 

    Leo (July 23 - August 22)

    Lions, lionesses, we get it. You're kings, you're queens, you are very special cats and dogs, and we love you for it. That said, sometimes it does us all good to blend into the crowd. But anyway, back to you! The stars recognize you as the stars that you are and accordingly, this month’s astral advice is to lean in. Not for you news of which planet is where and why, who cares - the only thing that matters is whatever you’re doing right here, right now! So get that new pair of shoes, you deserve them! Order a new bed, only the best will do. Grab a new toy, learn a new new trick, do what you like. It’s the only way.

    Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

    What up, Virgo! Often considered among the most serious and high-minded, this month, Virgoans are on FIRE, but not literally. Opportunities will come at you like an endless game of fetch and you are here for it. Our advice: don’t try to do too much, at least not all at once. Slow and steady wins the race, and even if you don’t believe me, you can’t fight City Hall or force the sands of time. As Venus moves into your third house, pause to reflect on what you’ll need to do to make it feel like home. We suggest a bunch of squeaky toys and a new dinner service, but these are just suggestions; dominant Jupiter in your rear view mirror may have some too, so maybe check with her first. 

    Libra (September 23 - October 22)

    Mercury isn't the only thing that moves from one place to another; you do too. Summer is here and the time is right for getting out and about. Whether you choose to ride, run, or hike, one thing’s for sure: you’re going places. As the sun rises in your sign, all signs are good that these adventures spell the beginning of an exciting new stage in your journey. Change can be challenging, but the road will rise to meet you, and no matter where you go, fun and friends will be on hand when you least expect them.

    Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) 

    The almighty sun is a busy bee indeed in your eighth house, the land of community and conviviality. Again, our thoughts turn to parties and we expect yours will too. To cool things down, an ice cream social would seem to be the best celestial suggestion, and would certainly provide a focal point for the many friends and neighbors hoping to make a connection with you in the coming month. Play your (gift) cards right, and you’ll be invited to backyard barbecues all summer long!

    Sagitarius (November 22 - December 21)

    The year’s only Gemini new moon lands on top of Venus and close to Jupiter and Mercury this month right in the middle of your constellation. What does this tell us? It’s hard to say, but these are major players and so our best guess is that it means you will find yourself surrounded by cool stuff. Stuff like a new leash, fresh and bright for summer, and the best selection of treats anywhere on the planet. Way to go, Sag, live your best life this month and every month! Woo-hoo!  

    Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

    We have to admit that of all the readings Mystic Mog gave us, we envied yours the most. Why? Cause it’s all about FOOD. Whether in the form of tasty toppers, wholesome wholegrains, or even the odd selection of fairground food, it’s all good. In fact it’s more than good, it’s great! As Saturn runs rings around your 2nd house, your desire to mix things up grows and while it’s anyone’s guess where it will take you, we know it will be tasty. Jealous!

    Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

    Summer is here and for all the Aquarians, that means excitement and adventure. As the year’s only new moon rises in Gemini, you can count on it to bring abundant energy; how you choose to expend that energy is up to you, but we see hikes and walks aplenty! Naturally drawn to water, we also see beach days, lake days, and pool days for you, and we have all the gear you need to make it a summer to remember. Don’t forget the sunscreen!

    Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

    This month is set to be one of the best for Pisces as the sun and Venus meet in your fourth house - associated with friends and family - putting you in the mood for soulful bonding. Homebodies at heart, you should feel free to make the most of the opportunity for relaxing and recharging - socialize if you wish, snooze if you choose. There are no bad moves for you this month!

    Aries (March 21 - April 19)

    June looks set to be a great month for the Ariens among us too, who will find an abundance of opportunities to live their best lives. Friendly, extroverted Mercury flits into Gemini, jolting your third house of socializing until June 17. Make a point of getting to know the locals and figuring out who has the best treats now and you will continue to reap the benefits all summer long.

    Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

    For the past three weeks, Mercury has been hanging out in your sign, which, fun as it is, can end up being a little tiring. Happily, the messenger planet will be heading to Gemini next week affording you a much-needed break. That said, this month will be anything but dull; energetic Mercury has increased your appetite, making it an excellent month to try some new foods, and double down on treats. Sounds great to us, what time’s dinner?!

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