Wonderful addition for grandogs party!!! Thank you
We have a golden doodle who devours toys. The fluff & tuff soccer ball will last him two months, when everything else is lucky to make it a week.
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Fluff & Tuff Dog Toys
December 27, 2022 5 min read
In the hinterland between Christmas and New Year, there is a raft that, while invisible to most, is a beacon to columnists. That raft, commonly known as The End of Year Quiz, is the writers’ answer to leftovers. Allow this writer to elaborate: between January and the third week of December, stuff happens. So much stuff, in fact, that writers find themselves at a 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week all-you-can-eat buffet, and the real skill - as with all buffets - is knowing what to, er, fetch and what to leave behind. But come December 21st, give or take a day, the feast gives way to the fast. The chafing dishes are removed, the garnishes cleared away, the mini ketchup and mustard packets* returned to their boxes for a much-needed break, and, to continue this metaphor (you’ve made it this far!), this grazer might go hungry. BUT WAIT! What if a meal could be conjured from the many, many plates enjoyed up to this point? That would certainly solve a problem!
And there you have it: quizzes, like leftovers, make something new from feasts past, and done well, they are a tasty delight equal to the very best dishes. Phew. We got there. Anyone hungry? Yes! Then allow me to serve you a veritable banquet of treats from the last twelve months in new and delicious ways: the King Dukes’ Holiday Quiz! Ready, set, GO!
*surely the most thrilling part of any meal. I LOVE those minis.
OK, QUIZ TIME 😎 (PS answers below, scroll and scroll some more):
In January 2022, the American Kennel Club recognized two new breeds. Were they:
In April, we were able to secure an exclusive interview with Callie the Shiba Inu, who had recently moved to New York City. But how much do you know about this wonderful breed? True or false, kids:
May is National Pet Month, when pets of all kinds are rightly feted, but in May 2022, one dog in particular was recognized after she saved her owner from an attack by a mountain lion! Was this dog:
f. Ragapalayam
October is famous for its many film festivals, which take place in cities around the world, but one very special city hosts both dog and cat film festivals! Can you name it?
a. London
b. Paris
c. New York
November is of course the month we give thanks for all sorts of lovely things, and it’s widely thought that there were two dogs at the very first Thanksgiving in Plymouth in 1621. Do you know what breeds they were?
a. A setter & a spanielAnd on that tasty morsel, my friends, this feast must draw to a close; we've had our fill and we really hope you have enjoyed each course as much as we have!
Before we go, some thanks: first, for playing and for indulging our desire for trivia and ephemera; secondly, and most importantly, for all your support in 2022 - we truly love each and every one of you, and can't wait to see you in 2023!!
Ciao for now, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🥂🍾🎉🎊🐾♥️
January (a), February (b), March (a), April (a - true; b - true; c - false), May (c), June (c), July (a - Michigan; b - New York; c - Kansas City), August (c), September (a - Tibet; b - UK; c - Germany; d - France; e - Belgium; f - India), October, (c) November (c), December (b).
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January 30, 2025 5 min read
It’s 2025 and we are ready to go: welcome to the year of BIG WAG ENERGY! Whether you and your dog are planning cozy TV nights, going full culture vulture, or learning a new language, the simple truth is this: dog time is the best time regardless of the pastime, and we’re here with a few ideas to help you make the most of it. Enjoy!
December 13, 2024 5 min read
October 30, 2024 4 min read
This month, meet three of our favorite historical canine characters who happen to be bang on brand for this most splendidly spooky of days… whoooo knows, perhaps you’ll encounter one on Halloween!
September 27, 2024 5 min read
Did you know that 29% of dogs* like fall, 65% LOVE fall, and just 6% are indifferent to its clear light, cool air, dappled sunshine, and pumpkin spiced everything. Armed with this knowledge, we made the only choice available to us and resolved to write about some of our favorite fall floofers in all their autumnal glory. Fall; it’s a whole vibe!
*we think.
Wonderful addition for grandogs party!!! Thank you
We have a golden doodle who devours toys. The fluff & tuff soccer ball will last him two months, when everything else is lucky to make it a week.