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January 04, 2021 3 min read

If you’ve noticed your cat or dog vomiting frequently or passing more gas than usual, it’s likely they are suffering from a sensitive stomach.

It’s hard to watch your little one in pain, and it can be difficult to know how best to help them. Luckily, there are some great foods, supplements, and digestive aids that can help restore your pet’s gut health and ease their discomfort.

How to tell if your pet has a sensitive stomach

There are a variety of causes of stomach pain in cats and dogs, and some animals are more susceptible to these issues than others. You probably have friends who can chow down on just about any food and experience no adverse effects, while others may have to watch what or how much they eat at mealtimes. Our pets are the same way.

Some cats and dogs can run around outside and eat just about anything they find, while others are much less resilient. Fortunately, the signs of a sensitive stomach are pretty easy to spot if you know what to look for.

Dog with Upset Stomach Laying on Couch

Here are some of the common symptoms that indicate your pet has a sensitive stomach:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Excessive flatulence
  • Refusing meals
  • Eating grass
  • Hairballs (in cats)

If you’ve recently noticed these symptoms in your pet, there is probably a lot you can do with the right foods, supplements, and a consistent routine. Keep in mind that if your pet is experiencing these symptoms on a chronic basis, though, they may be suffering from a more serious condition, so it’s important to take them to the vet for a professional exam.

The right diet can make a big difference

Food intolerance and allergies are common culprits of gut sensitivity, so switching out your pet’s food can do a lot to relieve their discomfort. Cat and dog foods that are easy to digest, nutritious, and free of ingredients commonly responsible for allergies are your best bet.

Cat Receiving Probiotics Treat for Gut Health

It’s also helpful to look for food that is specifically formulated to meet your pet’s needs. For example, if your furry friend is on the older side, consider switching them to a diet specific to senior cats or dogs. Fromm's Gold Mature Cat Food is a great choice for older cats with sensitive stomachs and will not only meet your older cat’s nutritional and metabolic needs but can also help keep their joints healthy. 

Fromm has a whole range of grain-free and grain-inclusive, specially formulated foods for cats and dogs that are packed with healthy nutrients and are free of common stomach irritants.

RELATED: Which Type of Dog Food is Best?

Restoring your pet’s gut health with probiotics and digestive aids

One of the most proven and effective ways of reducing digestive stress and sensitive stomachs in both humans and our canine and feline family members is through the use of probiotics, and there are some wonderful probiotic products designed for cats and dogs that can make a huge difference for your pet’s health and happiness.

Just like ours, our furry companions’ stomachs are filled with bacteria -- some good and some bad. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that promote a healthy digestive system. They can help restore the bacterial balance in your pet’s tummy and relieve the distress and symptoms of a sensitive stomach.

Couple Holding Dog Calming it's Stomach

King Duke’s carries a wide variety of probiotic supplements and digestive aids that can help cats and dogs more effectively (and more comfortably) process and digest the nutrients in their foods and calm their sensitive tummies.

These probiotic products are formulated for different purposes and different populations of cats and dogs. If your cat is suffering from hairballs, the super tasty Hairball Buster probiotic powder can improve digestion and help them pass hair without hairballs forming.


For dogs and cats with sensitive stomachs, the Good Guts range of daily probiotic supplements (for small, medium, and large dogs and cats) offers great, well-rounded probiotic support.

Is your pet suffering from a sensitive stomach? Find the best products to restore their gut health and help them feel better.

At King Duke’s, we know that watching your pet suffer is hard. It can be difficult to know where to start when they’re showing symptoms of a sensitive stomach. We’re here to help you find all the products you need to help ease the discomfort they’re experiencing and help them stay healthy and happy.

Explore our online shop or visit us (and bring your pet along) at King Duke’s in Beaverton, OR!

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