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December 25, 2020 6 min read

Puppy Guide: What Essentials Do You Need for Your New Family Member?

Your new bundle of fluff is coming home!

Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting time. While your heart will quickly melt from the puppy breath and clumsy cuteness, the weight of responsibility of caring for this little one can be stressful and confusing.

Don’t worry— you’ve got this! Your puppy will love everything you do to keep them happy and healthy.

Make sure you’re prepared for your new puppy with our ultimate checklist and new puppy guide.

Basic Puppy Supplies

Life with your new puppy is going to change! By getting some basic new puppy supplies, you can make that transition a little smoother on both you and your new pup.

Dog Collars, Leashes, & Harnesses

Whether you’re going out in the middle of the night for potty training or going on short leash-walks, getting around with your new puppy will require some basic gear, including puppy collars, leashes, and harnesses.

Adjustable collars are a must-have for your puppy— he or she will wear this the most. A collar will help you hold onto your pup if you need to, it can hook up to a leash for walking around, and most importantly you will want to attach your dog’s identification tags to their collar. You can get a number of adorable prints, and an adjustable size will ensure your puppy can still wear the collar even while they grow!

Puppy leash

There are many leash options out there— what’s the best leash for a new puppy?

If you’re concerned about taking your puppy outside while he or she is still waiting for certain vaccines, getting a short leash will be helpful for a little more control. General puppy mischief is easier to monitor with a short leash so you can keep them safe and away from stagnant puddles, random items they want taste-test, or other dogs.

As your puppy grows and becomes more trustworthy on a leash, you can consider getting an extendable leash to give them a little more freedom on your walks.

A harness is a great option for walking your puppy. If they tend to pull on their neck collar or try to slip the collar over their head, a harness is a full-body setup that will help you control your pet on walks and adventures.

Dog Bed

Giving your new puppy his or her own bed is a wonderful way to create a safe, comfortable space in your home for them.

There are many dog beds to choose from such as plush microsuede or raised cots for keeping your puppy cooler in the heat. You can also look for removable dog bed covers that make laundry a breeze!

You might want to start out with a smaller bed for your puppy to snuggle in, possibly one that will fit in a crate if you choose to use one. You can upgrade your puppy to an adult dog bed when the time is right.

Along with beds, you can keep your puppy comfortable with additional supplies like dog blankets or a travel bed for the car!


Food & Water

Making sure your new puppy eats healthy food to help them grow and drinks enough water to stay hydrated is a big part of your day as a new dog parent.

Puppy eating out of food bowlYou’ll need to choose a food type that fits your dog’s breed size and age, and follow the instructions from your vet on feeding quantities. You can even find brands that offer grain-free, organic options to keep your dog in his or her best health. Watch out for how your puppy digests the food, or if they show signs of any allergies, and speak with your vet about the best food for your puppy.

Treats will be a helpful addition to your house with a puppy around. Pick up some puppy training treats to work on obedience skills, and you’ll be able to give your new pup a nice treat as a reward that will make both you and them happy.

You’ll also need to get food and water bowls for your puppy to eat and drink from. A mat to set underneath the bowls for any overflow will also be a nice addition to keep the area clean in your home.

There are a number of collapsible travel bowls available so that you can give your puppy food or water on the go!

RELATED: Which Type of Dog Food is Best? 

New Puppy Health

Of course, you want to give your new puppy the best life possible, and a big way to ensure that is to look out for your puppy’s health at all times.

Find a Great Veterinarian

Choosing a veterinarian that cares about your puppy as much as you do is essential when you become a dog parent. A vet will be your go-to source for making sure you’re doing the right things for your puppy.

Get ID Tags

In hopes that you will never need to use it, having your dog registered and microchipped is a must. If your puppy does get lost, having updated contact information on their tags attached to their collar and a microchip will give them the best chance at returning home.

Grooming & Body Health

Puppy grooming supplies for bathTaking care of your new puppy’s hygiene is a good practice to start from the very beginning. Getting puppies used to general grooming early in life will reduce their resistance and make your life easier when they get bigger!

Consistent baths with soothing shampoos, nail trims, teeth brushing, and fur brushing will keep your dog clean and healthy. A variety of puppy grooming products are available to set you up for a great cleaning routine.

You can also give your dog vitamins and supplements to improve their health. For example, probiotics can keep their coat shiny, improve their gut health, or help their joints.


Mental Health

Your new puppy’s brain is developing as their body grows.

Give them stimulating games and stay consistent with your training practices to help them learn.

You can help them stay calm, ease their anxiety, and deal with separation anxiety with items like a heated snuggle toy or CBD treats.

Potty Training Your New Puppy

Chances are, your new puppy will have a few accidents in the house as they get used to their new home and start to understand when and where they should be going to the bathroom.

There are ways to minimize the stress of puppy potty training! The key is to be prepared.

When you’re prepared and proactive about potty training, it’s easier to stay patient as your puppy learns and their bladder strength improves.

Get puppy potty training products to limit messes and help your puppy learn!

Puppy crate training

Crate Training

For starters, many dog parents choose to crate-train their puppy. Giving them a crate offers them a space for their bed and limits the opportunity for accidents because a puppy won’t typically go to the bathroom in their crate space.

Potty Bells

Using a bell by the door can often be a game changer when it comes to potty training.

Teaching your dog to ring the bell when they need to go outside will help form the connection in their brains that they need to do their business outside. As always, cheers and treats are extremely helpful to encourage the use of their potty bells.

Pee Pads for Puppies

Many dog parents choose to lay down potty training pads for their puppy to use.

Pee pads minimize the mess of accidents, keep odors down, and give owners an option if they need to leave the house but want their puppy to have a comfortable area to relieve themselves if need be. You can even get washable, reusable pee pads for potty training!

Basic Dog Potty Supplies

Beyond puppy training, there are certain dog potty supplies that you’ll need throughout your dog’s life.

Make sure you’re always stocked on poop bags to clean up after your pet during walks, or grab a pooper-scooper to make backyard cleanup easier.

From puppy potty training products to ongoing supplies for cleanup, you can keep your supplies stocked for convenience.

Puppy Toys & Fun

A happy puppy is a healthy puppy.German shepard puppy playing with toy

Dog toys
are an awesome way to keep your new puppy entertained, give them something to chew on, and help you bond by playing together.

Try softer chew toys for their puppy teeth, grab a fun tug-of-war toy, or give them a ball to chase— there are so many toys available. You’ll start to learn which toys are your puppy’s favorites and you’ll have fun watching them play! 


Get Your New Puppy Supplies

If you’re about to become a dog-parent, welcome your new puppy with love and all the essentials you’ll need to keep them healthy and happy.

Start gathering your new puppy essentials so that you’re ready to bring home your new family member.

Shop King Duke’s collections for everything you need to prepare for your new puppy!


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